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Effective Medication Reminder Tips for Older Adults


Taking medications on time must be highly followed, especially if you are already in your sixties and above. The older you get, the more drug maintenance you have, so be careful with taking what and when. Medication reminders are one of the services we assist with under our companionship care.

The way DEVOTED HOME HEALTH AGENCY, INC. ensures the medication intake of our patients is done right by following safe medication practices with the help of our in-home nursing care. Important and effective tips include:

  • Only take what is prescribed.
    Especially for older adults with accompanying existing conditions, we coordinate with their physicians about unexpected side effects or pain symptoms to be safe.
  • Check expiration dates and always check supply availability.
    Our home health care in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, is aware of several dangers that come along with taking expired medicines and the unwanted side effects that come along with it.
  • Note down the medication list.
    One of the many benefits of availing of companion care in North Carolina is that you know someone who monitors and supervises your medications.
  • Visit your physician frequently.
    Your changing body may have particular medications you no longer need or need a higher dosage with. Medication education from a medical professional is needed to address concerns and for a successful regimen.

Call us anytime for home healthcare services such as personal care. We look forward to assisting you.

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